The Charter of

Saint John Lodge #18


     The following is a literal translation of the duplicate copy of the Charter of Saint John Lodge #18, Pioche, Nevada. This duplicate was made to replace the Original, destroyed in a fire in the Lodge building while operating in Delamar, Nevada. (1902-1905) The duplicate of this document may be seen in the Old Masonic Museum Lodge Room in Pioche.

    Copies of this document, suitable for framing, are available in both 8x10 ($10.00) and 11x17 ($17.00) as a fund raiser for the maintenance and restoration of our old and historic building. Contact the Lodge Secretary.

To All Whom It May Concern

The Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons

of the State of Nevada


                Whereas It having been duly represented unto us that sundry Brothern of the Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons residing in or near the Town of Pioche, in the County of Lincoln, within our jurisdiction have hetofor and on the 10th day of August A.D. 5872 received from our Most Worshipful Grand Master a Dispensation to assbmble as a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons for the purposes herein expressed,

              And Whereas it having been represented that the said Brothern are now desirous that their Lodge shall be duly chartered, constituted, and numbered upon our rgistery as a regular Lodge, and is appearing and after due examination that they are Well Qualified and in all respects Worthy to assume and fulfill the duties contingent upon the indulgence of their said desires, And Whereas it being believed that the advancement of Free Masonry will be encouraged, and the wise, moral, and beneficient purposes of our Ancient Craft be permoted by the constitution and permanent establishment of their said Lodge.

                Now Therefore Know Ye that we The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Nevada have authorized, constituted and appointed, and by this our Warrant and Charter John F.Gray, Master, Daniel E. Mitchell, Senior Warden, Daniel K. Dickenson, Junior Warden, together with all such other true and lawful Brothern as have already been, or may hereafter be, admitted to associate with them, so assemble and work as a regular Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons at the Town of Pioche, aforsaid, by the name and designation of Saint John Lodge, No. 18:

                And We do hereby Grant and Commit unto the Master and Wardens aforesaid and their successors, and to the Brethern of said Lodge, full power and authority to receive and enter Apprentices, pass FellowCrafts, raise Master Masons, and admit Brethern to membership; to choose a Master and Wardens and other Officers, annually to exact from their initiates and members such fees and dues as may be necessary for the maintenance of their Lodge, for the relief of poor and distressed Brethern and their widows and orphans, and for the regular payment of such annual Contributions to the Grand Lodge as shall by it be directed and, generally, to perform and do all other acts and things which shall be in full accordance with the Ancient Usages and Customs of the Craft, and in strict obedience to the Constitution, Regulations, and Edicts of this our Grand Lodge, aforesaid.

          And We do hereby Require the said Lodge so attend the Grand Lodge at all its Communications, by its Master and Wardens or by its Representative, duly appointed; so keep a fair and faithful record of all its acts and proceedings which are proper to be written; and so lay the same before the Grand Lodge whenever it may be directed.

          And, lastly, we do hereby enjoin upon the Master, Wardens, and Brethrn of the Lodge aforsaid, that they ever observe a strict conformity to all the Ordinances of our Grand Lodge, which is the Supreme Masonic Power and Authority in the State of Nevada; and that they consistantly give due respect and obedience to the Grand Master and their other Superiors in office, in all things appertaining to our Ancient Craft.

          Done in Grand Lodge, in accordance with its order, at the City of Virginia Nevada, on this 20th day of November, Anno Domini, 1873 , Anno Lucis, 5873.

          In Testimony Whereof, we, Grand Master of Masons in the State of Nevada, have hereunto set our hand, and have caused our Grand Secretary to make his attestation hereunto and so affix the Seal of Our Grand Lodge.

A.M. Van Bokkelen
                   Grand Master.


                                                                Attest, Sammey W. Chubbuck
                                                                          Grand Secretary.



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